I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Friday, October 30, 2020
Thursday, October 29, 2020
des hunt sunken forest work
2. Create a ‘Top Five’ list of the most important parts of the book in Chapters 1-10. Explain why you chose these.
The fact that his father is in prison and is considered a criminal so Matt has that name as well. For number one i chose this because the lady accuses him of stealing the money because his father “was a thief as well” when he was younger.
The lady and the bins along with the money. For the second one, i chose this because this where the main story starts with the money and the camp.
The cards making Matt realize that Cam and Jay are thieves. For the third one, the card stealing this was a turning point for Matt in realising that Jay and Cam were thieves.
The orange maker on the trail. For the fourth one, the orange maker that Cam and Jay tamper with was to make the camp leader get madder with Matt. They also did this to make everyone blame Matt if anything happened
Elsa the Eel For the fifth one Elsa the Eel was a big part in this and is what made the stay for Matt even more enjoyable
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Des hunt book work
One of the chapters was called ‘Monstrous Eel’ does that refer to the size or nature of the eel?
I have found through reading the book that this chapter starter is referencing the eels large size in comparison to Matt. Instead of its nature and how it acts in the book, it's shown to be very calm. Later when Matt is feeding Elsa she is very gentle as to not bite Matts fingers off and she's very precise in her movements when eating of his hand.
Friday, October 23, 2020
Diary entry of A trip to remote Tokelau
A trip to remote Tokelau
November is when we are going to the islands. I am excited to go, but being on a boat for 24 hours is going to be a pain. Once on the boat many locals ruched to the matrices on the deck while we went down to the lower air-conditioned parts of the boat. Mealtime was interesting as it was a marvel to see them pour the water and drinks in the cups as the boat rocked from side to side and taking a shower or going to the bathroom was something that would be hard to get used to.
The next day.
The inhabitants of the island have made lots of progress like having hospitals, houses in stilts because of climate change and have a sea wall infrastructure in place as well, there's a large school too on one of the islands.
The leaving day.
Over all the stay was great and I had a pleasant time there, maybe I'll comback some day.
Thursday, October 22, 2020
mixture and dissolving
what factures affect the rate of the material dissolving? key ideas mixtures and dissolving and we were learning
Temperature and how much the substance was agitated
aim: to see the sugar dissolve in the water
method: we put 50ml of water in the beaker then added the sugar
result: we found that when heat and stirring are applied then the sugar dissolves faster than without the heat
discussion: the resin this happened is because the water is stirred made it agitated meaning the sugar molecules could break apart easier also the hot water would git the sugar granular more energy adding to the breaking apart.
for the first test cold water mixed with one spatula of sugar. stirred. average time 54sec
for the second test hot water mixed with one spatula of sugar. stirred. average time 29.75sec
for the third test cold water mixed with one spatula of sugar. unstirred. average time 163.8sec
for the fourth test hot water mixed with one spatula of sugar. unstirred. average time 76.2sec