
Tuesday, December 8, 2020

EOTC Days out

Last week we had three EOTC days out, we had Adrenaline Forest, Jelly Park and a day out in the city. 

I didn't go to the Adrenalin Forest as I was sick but I did go to the Jelly Park day out and the city day out. 

The day out at Jelly park was fun and was the thing that I loved the most, the day that we where there was very hot and many people got a sunburn, there was also three other schools there so there were lots of kids. If we were to have another EOTC day then we would have to have another Jelly Park day also the fish and chips were good and hot. 

In the city, we went to the library and to the Margaret Mayhey Park. On top of the library, there's was a garden that we got to look at, we also got to look around the 3D printer room and the music recording studio, so that was cool. we got to spend some time at Margret Mayhey Park which was good as there was shade and it was a break from walking up and down the stairs of the Christchurch library. It was altogether a pretty good day that was well planned and executed.

Monday, December 7, 2020

The black plague

The black plague was the biggest epidemic in the world the black plague took place in 1347, the black plague killed over 200 million people in total in the world, In total it was thought that it killed 90% of the earth's population. 

There are three plagues in the black plague; the bubonic plague, the pneumonic plague and the septicemic plague. 

The most common way to get infected was flea bites and contact with others pared with the disease attacking the lymph nodes it spread quickly around the body and to others. 

The symptoms of the black plague where as follows, fever and chills, extreme weakness, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, vomiting, leading from the mouth or nose or rectum, shock, blackening and the death of skin around the extremity like the arms legs nose and toes.

People treating the black plague wore special suits with bird-like beaks masked to protect them selfs, the masks were filled with herbs, spices and even things like honey, back then the theory bacteria and other viruses was not a thing so they thought that it was "poisoned air" causing the sickness hence the beak shape as they thought that that because of the shape it would make the "poisoned air" stay there longer and become clean and breathable. 

Friday, November 27, 2020

EOTC days out, Adrenalin forest, Canterbury Museum Christchurch and jelly park

Adrenalin forest 

Task: To tell the reader about the EOTC that you're most looking forward to and tell them what you are excited for and what you're nervous for. 

For our EOTC days out the EOTC, I'm most looking towards is the Adrenalin forest as I have been there before and it was so fun. I'm excited to go again so that I can go higher than last time and stay in the treetops for longer. I'm a bit nervous to try to go to the very tops of the trees and zipline around the treetops. I think that the thing that I'll enjoy the most is ziplining around the trees. 

Canterbury Museum Christchurch.

Task: To find I topic to read about and tell it back in your own words, and explain what you think about the online showing of this museum exhibit to show why and why not we should have them.

Courageous dogs: kid the courageous steward Clarence Howard Hare owed his life to his favourite dog, Kid. after being stuck in a blizzard and getting split up from the other group members. in fear of falling asleep and freezing to death he slipped done a slippery slope and succumbed to his sleepiness and fell asleep. 2 days later when he woke up he found that Kid had dug a small area out and had been warming him with this body heat. Kid died in the following year. 

I think that these online showings of history are very useful in time like this when with covid making everyone have to stay home, no one can go to the museum to learn.

Jelly park 

Task: To make a raft to hold you and 2 of your friends 
To make this raft you'll need one maybe two rolls of waterproof tape and 18 noodles. 

Aline the pool noodles up and down all next to each other and put the tape across the noodles from top to bottom so you make them stay stuck next to each other. Them sticking next to each other is what is going to keep you afloat and your friends afloat. you'll need to lie on your front or back to spread the weight of you and your friends. 










Thursday, November 26, 2020

business studies: budgeting

We were tasked with  dinner for 4 people on a budget of $20 

I'm making noodles and some eggs and chicken then cook them to perfection. 

 The noodles are Indomine Mi Goreng BBQ chicken instant noodles they are $2.99 for 5 packs 

The eggs are farmer brown size 7 eggs they are 3.89 for 12 eggs  

The chicken is Butchery skinless chicken breast 5.50 for 0.5kg

Everyone can have 3 eggs, 100gs of chicken and one pack of noodles. 

Leaving 100g of meat left and one pack of noodles.

All together the meal will cost $12.38   

Thursday, November 5, 2020



To make a dilution series to investigate, concentration 


That the one on the end number 6 is going to be the dilutes of the lot and the first one will be the most concentrated.  


we put 5mls from the number one test tube which had 10mls into the number 2 test tube which had 5mls of water in it (all the test tube except the number one test tube had 5mls of water in it) then we put 5mls from the number 2 test tube into the number 3 test tube and so on until we have reached the number 6 test t


my hypothesis is correct and the last one is the dilutes and the first one id the most concentrated.  

filtration experiment


the separate mixture we have made using filtration 


 I think if the liquid will change colour and if anything is produced then It could be filtered but if it just changes colour then it will not be able to be filt3er unless we use a chemical filter.   


when the two liquids mixed the resulting liquid had turned a darker shade of blue and the liquid had become a bit thicker. 


this happened because the copper sulfate and sodium carbon switched places meaning that the copper sulfate head become sodium sulfate and the sodium carbonate had become copper carbonate making the liquids filterable because the copper carbonate is filterable because it is solid. the reason the copper carbonate does not dissolve is that the copper carbonate is insoluble.    

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

blog of DTE work

At the end of the last term and the start of this term we were tasked with making a sphero car and track kade, Andrei and I have been working on a making a sphero drag race. we made a small starting box where the front could be lifted of me then made code to set the speed of the spheros to a random number between 0 and 255 making the races different every time. 

on the 6-7 of September me andrei and kade where brainstorming and discussion how we should make it. we also began on the coding.  around this time I was sick and wasn't present. 

September 14 we were putting some things together and getting the required things for the project. 

17 September I was dying at home while kade did all the work because andrei was away 

20 September kade and andrei continued to work on the project while I was away dieing at home   

23 September we continued on with our work 

14 October we started off where we finished designing the starting point 

19 October andrei starts on writing our oh so beautiful project I suggest he adds more sass 

22 October we are just writing our blogs  

28 October we continue on the blogs 

and that the project so far


Tuesday, November 3, 2020

budgeting guide

We have been learning about budgeting for a while now and I feel that I have a pretty good grasp on the subject.  This is a budgeting guide for those who don't know what budgeting is.

budgeting is where you set a budget for a length of time, such as between pays, for the month or when you're on a vacation. having a budget dictates how much you can spend and if you have any surplus from your budget then that can go into your savings that you may be able to spend on your wants. Needs are what you spend your budget on and wants is what you use your surplus or savings on. A good way to budget 

reflection I feel if I had more time on this then I could have done a better job of this and if I had managed my time better then I could have added more. I find that budgeting is a very cut and clean topic that's very hard to expand to a level where there's more to read 

Is there anything I missed and do you have any question for my work?

All of the information in this blog came from my learning in class 


today we were doing volleyball. We were doing the standard hit the ball on the palms out hands on each other hitting the ball to the opponents or to other teammates. 

Here's a picture of me demonstrating it.  

Other hits are the set, bump, serve and spike.
spick it hitting down into the opponents.
set is with the finger hitting straight up fo someone else to spike.
serve is the serving hit for the backline of the court. 
bump is just bumping the ball in the air for someone to hit. 

Friday, October 30, 2020


Today I focused on the balancing beam.

The three main points were balancing, walking and staying on the beam  


Thursday, October 29, 2020

des hunt sunken forest work

 2. Create a ‘Top Five’ list of the most important parts of the book in Chapters 1-10.  Explain why you chose these.


  1. The fact that his father is in prison and is considered a criminal so Matt has that name as well. For number one i chose this because the lady accuses him of stealing the money because his father “was a thief as well” when he was younger. 

  1. The lady and the bins along with the money. For the second one, i chose this because this where the main story starts with the money and the camp. 

  1.  The cards making Matt realize that Cam and Jay are thieves. For the third one, the card stealing this was a turning point for Matt in realising that Jay and Cam were thieves. 

  1. The orange maker on the trail. For the fourth one, the orange maker that Cam and Jay tamper with was to make the camp leader get madder with Matt. They also did this to make everyone blame Matt if anything happened 

  1. Elsa the Eel For the fifth one Elsa the Eel was a big part in this and is what made the stay for Matt even more enjoyable


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Des hunt book work


  1. One of the chapters was called ‘Monstrous Eel’ does that refer to the size or nature of the eel?

I have found through reading the book that this chapter starter is referencing the eels large size in comparison to Matt. Instead of its nature and how it acts in the book, it's shown to be very calm. Later when Matt is feeding Elsa she is very gentle as to not bite Matts fingers off and she's very precise in her movements when eating of his hand.

Budgeting cross word

This is my budgeting crow ward that I made  

Friday, October 23, 2020

Diary entry of A trip to remote Tokelau

A trip to remote Tokelau

November is when we are going to the islands. I am excited to go, but being on a boat for 24 hours is going to be a pain. Once on the boat many locals ruched to the matrices on the deck while we went down to the lower air-conditioned parts of the boat. Mealtime was interesting as it was a marvel to see them pour the water and drinks in the cups as the boat rocked from side to side and taking a shower or going to the bathroom was something that would be hard to get used to.

The next day.

The inhabitants of the island have made lots of progress like having hospitals, houses in stilts because of climate change and have a sea wall infrastructure in place as well, there's a large school too on one of the islands. 

The leaving day. 

Over all the stay was great and I had a pleasant time there, maybe I'll comback some day. 

Thursday, October 22, 2020

mixture and dissolving

 what factures affect the rate of the material dissolving? key ideas mixtures and dissolving and we were learning 

Temperature and how much the substance was agitated 

aim: to see the sugar dissolve in the water

method: we put 50ml of water in the beaker then added the sugar 

result: we found that when heat and stirring are applied then the sugar dissolves faster than without the heat 

discussion: the resin this happened is because the water is stirred made it agitated meaning the sugar molecules could break apart easier also the hot water would git the sugar granular more energy adding to the breaking apart. 

for the first test cold water mixed with one spatula of sugar. stirred.  average time 54sec

for the second test hot water mixed with one spatula of sugar. stirred. average time 29.75sec

for the third test cold water mixed with one spatula of sugar. unstirred. average time 163.8sec

for the fourth test hot water mixed with one spatula of sugar. unstirred. average time 76.2sec

Friday, September 25, 2020

Business and Enterprise Kete


 Business and Enterprise Kete 

For the past 3 weeks, we have been involved in the B&E Kete. My role has been financing manager and co CEO so what I was doing was helping make decisions on where we wanted to go with the company. (Cookie town) I also financed so I was handling the money and keeping it safe as well as for deciding how much all of this was going to cost and how much we were going to make. The company was called cookie town. Our slogan was specifically baked for you. Our product was chocolate iced afghan cookies them along with the icing were very good. My reflection of the business went overall it went pretty well overall in my opinion but if we were to do this again then we would do something that could be done infinitely for the cookies there were only so many cookies we could make but if we did like a game of chance like carnival games then we could do this kind s of things infinitely. My overall reflection on the b&e we that it felt a bit disorganised in my opinion and all the businesses were a bit packed when we had so much space to work with.

Thursday, September 24, 2020


My slide show how convection works by heated particles moving up and then cooling down to fall back to the hot plate where they heat back up again so that they move up again. 

Thursday, September 17, 2020

can experiment

Aim to see what happens when a can of hot water gets put in a cold tub of water. 

Hypothesis I think that the can will collapse and the can will fill with water very fast.

The Method we put hot water in a sprite can then put on an element to boil the water then when we put it in a tub of cold water see what happens. 

Results the water is pulled up into the can and is it crushed by the condensing gas in the can from the boiling water. 

discussion why this happened; this happened to because the water makes a air tight seal, steam takes up a lot of space and when the steam cools it contracts a lot pulling the walls of the can and water into the empity spqace in the can. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Pricing of cookies

 This is us trying to find the right price for our cookies we are selling 

When working out the price that we wanted the cookies to sell we took in account how much we wanted to make in the end and the minimum amount of cookies we need to sell to make a profit. because cookies are really good and people will pay anything to have very good cookies.  

After making the cookie we will be doing quality control to see in the cookies are good and tasty as well as checking for other things like size,  shape and icing and wee maybe giving out samples to see what people think of them and whether they are worth the price. 

This is our price compared to Cookie times we are selling one large cookie for 1 dollar and 3 small cookies for 2 dollars. Cookie times large cookies are 1 dollar as well but I couldn't find anything for two dollars getting 3 cookies 

Companies QuantityPrice
Cookie time1 cookie1.00 dollar
Cookie town (our company)1 cookie1.00 dollar

We also looked at how much it would cost to make the amount of cookie that we wanted to make to make a larger profit than what we spent to make them. 

Through this, we have found that we will sell our cookies at a low low price of 1 dollar for large ones and 2 dollars for 3 small ones.    

Do you think this is a good price? 

Friday, September 11, 2020


 For the enterprise products we are doing we are doing chocolate Afghan cookies and we're selling at the low low price of 1 dollar for a large and 2 dollars for 3 small! 

Chocolate Afghans | Tania's Kitchen 

The afghan cookies will be chocolate as they should be. The quality will really depend on the quality of the ingredients but we will try our best to make the best quilty product we can. very cookie will be the standard cookie size and the small cookies will just be a smaller version of them. for the cookies, we will not need the have packaging as cookies are a small snack that you can just carry around and eat as you please. making the cookies will be very easy as the ingredients are very basic this is our ingredients list and how to make it. As cookies are as the food they will be in the foods category for the enterprise day. our cookie will be fresh backed and will be hot and yummy! straight from the oven. 

Thursday, September 10, 2020

particle theory

what are we learning in chemicals? 

Particle theory is the six rules of particles these are the six rules. these rule help determine how a substance will behave.  

- all matter is made up of particles 

- all particles in a pure substance are the same

- there is space between all particles

- particles are always moving 

- there are attractive forces between particles 

- temperature affects the speed at which particles move particles

Diffusion: Is the movement of particles from areas of high concentration to low concentration.

e.g perfume, or like if you add hot water to cold water the water will be hot on one side and cold on the other but over time the hot water will mix with the cold water (in a matter of seconds).     

Aim: To observe the effect of temperature on the speed of diffusion.

hypnosis: hot= fast cold=slow 

method: we added potassium permanganate to hot and cold water to see how fast the diffusion would happen. 

The explanation: the hot water moves the die much faster than the cold one it did this because the particles in the hot water were moving much faster because particle theory rule number six and also because there more heat = energy. 

Friday, August 28, 2020

Skipping Rope

Skipping rope

You'll never have to get the GYM now with the all NEW skipping rope two thousand with two handles and it being almost self-propelled (but not quite) you can exercise at HOME!!! Without the hassle of just walking, you can just jump up and down,  up and down repetitively without stopping getting increasingly faster, and increasingly painfully. You’ll have to jump if you don’t want to fall on your face!!! With our patented technology, you can adjust the skipping rope so you can torture your kids as well!

Adjustable Jumping Rope Review ➰ - YouTube

Thursday, August 20, 2020

sustainability investigation

I wanted to know how much rubbish was around the school so I found out 

First, I did the T block around the perimeter of T block there were 18 bits of rubbish, nothing too exciting. 

Secondly, I did R block and I found 17 bits of rubbish around this time I thought I was seeing a trend with the numbers but when it came to M block there was a substantial difference between the others. 

Thirdly I did M block and M Block came in at just 13 pieces of rubbish surprisingly as I thought that the M Block would have the most rubbish out of the lot. 

After that, I went to the gym and though I found some rubbish around the place there was an abundance in the surrounding bushes and area the gym came in at 17 bit of rubbish.

Next, I went around the field and had a look I found that around the start of the field that’s near to the buildings T, R, and M, I found near here a lot of the 57! Bits of the rubbish that lay scattered in the ground but an I moved more out on to the field I found that the number of bits of rubbish started to decree a lot and I found the further I went in the field the less and less rubbish I found.  In the end, the field had 57 bits of rubbish the highest of them all. 

Lastly, as for the caf, I thought that I would find more rubbish but I didn’t and I think that’s just because of the abundance of bins in the immediate vicinity so it would be hard to find an excuse for littering.  The caf area came in a low 10 bits of rubbish 

Overall around the school, I found 164 bits of rubbish in just the areas I looked at. I feel that the littering problem could have been avoided by putting more colourfully coloured bins to attract peoples attention so they know that there’s a bin nearby to put your rubbish in. Through my investigation, I have found that areas used a lot at intervals or lunches to counteract this we could put more rubbish bins in these areas.  


Sustainability Investigation

The Investigation assignment draws together your Mathematics learning but having you perform a Statistical Inquiry on a Sustainability topic.

Some ideas of topics

  • Which part of the school has the most rubbish on the ground

  • Recycling - Are we recycling properly?

  • What is 9 Mohua doing to help reduce, reuse and recycle?

Problem & Plan: which part of the school has the most rubbish on the ground

Identify a Sustainability topic you can investigate

Plan out how you will collect data.  I will walk around the school and count the rubbish on the ground.

Data Collection:

Collect your data. Near cafe 10, mohua 13, t block 18, r block 17, playground 32, gym 17, field 57. 

Note any issues with accuracy. Some rubbish may blow away and is it still counted?

When rubbish is counted 

Table/ Tally chart


Analysis & Conclusion:

1x graph - either line, pie, or bar



Wednesday, August 19, 2020

DTE semester 2

In the introduction to semester 2, I and kade experimented with the robots make them do our will and controlling them with an iPad we also played around with and I used machine learning to clean the ocean of plastics. I enjoyed playing around with the robot as I learnt that they aren't easy to make do things that you want them to do.  

Here's some 3D printing that I and kade did. 

I liked the 3D printing but I wish that we got some formal teaching from our teacher on how to use it 
but it was fun to able to make whatever we wanted. 

des hunt sunken forest brochure

Lake Waikaremoana: Te Urewera area tracks and walks

This is lake waikaremoana it's a lake where camps can be held for educating pupils on how to; do kayaking, rock climbing and trail hikes while teaching them resilience and perseverance. When walking around students can learn about wildlife and the many ells and other animals that occupy the surrounding land and lake. 

Lake waikaremonana is just 238 km from Tauranga or a  3 hour 47 min ride with stunning views and lots of learning opportunity and walks and tramping is a great place to be with a camp where students can stay and learn about nature. 

wonderopolis: can animals get sunburned

 In the wonderopolis, I read about whether animals can get sunburns or not and are 5 facts I learnt: 

1. blue whales are more likely to get sunburnt as that spend more time near the surface.  

2. pig will rolling mud to cover themselves in mud to act as a sunscreen. 

3. around the eyes of hippopotamus it is very sensitive around there and they secrete rust coloured fluids to act as a sunscreen to protect them. 

4.  Elephants will cover themselves and their offspring with sand to use as a kind of sunscreen.

5.  Giraffes have black tongues and scientists think that's so they don't have a sunburn in their tongues. 

Friday, August 14, 2020

Business studies innovation challenge

 Continental Wallet Black Carbon/orange - Dalvey 

The wallet it's a very useful item used for carrying paper currency, coinage, cards and business cards. Today money theft is very easy as most wallets aren't thick enough to block NFC (near field communication) which is what cards use to transfer money. Something that I wish that wallets had were to have its own NFC chip that you can set up that links to your cards account and for security there's an off switch or an NFC blocking panel that can be slid over the NFC chip to block thieves from stealing your money. The wallet is a great product to have as its an easy way to hold on to money and store it securely in your pocket without it just falling out. Removable coin storage because most people don't keep coins on them so why do you need the extra bulk?. Making it bigger could be a possibility because it may have a flashlight, power bank, and or the NFC may need a small button cell battery to keep its memory. if there's a battery then there could even be Bluetooth connection in it.

ideas for Improvement

1. Internal flashlight for finding money more easily.

A disadvantage, you might need to replace the battery often if you use the light a lot. 

2. A knife for self-defence. 

A disadvantage, where would it be stored and with airports it has to be removable 

3. Bluetooth tracker or GPS tracker. 

A disadvantage, the battery would have to be charged and you may leave home without it.   

4. Tile integration for finding it or your phone (link)

A disadvantage, it will cost more. 

5. NFC payment 

A disadvantage. possible NFC theft. 

This wallet or the future has many improvements to the old wallets of today such as smart compatibility with tile integration and NFC payment so you'll never lose your wallet and be able to pay just by tapping your wallet near the receiver, and with NFC blocking materials built into the wallet, your money can't be stolen through your pay wave cards and you'll never be a victim to cred card theft. along with these things, there are more secrets like a small flashlight for finding you money in dark places and a small GPS tracker so if you go missing you'll be able to be found easily.                


Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Business studies: Entrepreneurs Walt disney

Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse Painting by Paul Wenzel (Walt Disney ...Walt Disney - Studios, Movies & Death - Biography

What was Walt Disney like?

Walt Disney had a bad relationship with his father and living with his 3

other brothers and 1 sister he eventually left by facking his age and driving an ambulance.  Like all his brothers he left the house and his father.

What was his first character? 

Oswald, the lucky rabbit was Walt Disney’s first character before Micky mouse he first appeared on September 5, 1927, in trolly troubles he's a male rabbit he has been voiced by about 10 different people over the years. 

  How many time was Walt Disney rejected?

Disney was rejected 300 times!!! He never gave up though and if he even gave up just on the 299th time then classics like Bambi, snow white and the seven dwarfs, Mary Poppins and The lion king and many other would never exist.