
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

budgeting guide

We have been learning about budgeting for a while now and I feel that I have a pretty good grasp on the subject.  This is a budgeting guide for those who don't know what budgeting is.

budgeting is where you set a budget for a length of time, such as between pays, for the month or when you're on a vacation. having a budget dictates how much you can spend and if you have any surplus from your budget then that can go into your savings that you may be able to spend on your wants. Needs are what you spend your budget on and wants is what you use your surplus or savings on. A good way to budget 

reflection I feel if I had more time on this then I could have done a better job of this and if I had managed my time better then I could have added more. I find that budgeting is a very cut and clean topic that's very hard to expand to a level where there's more to read 

Is there anything I missed and do you have any question for my work?

All of the information in this blog came from my learning in class 

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