
Friday, December 10, 2021

DTE Coding project

This semester in DTE we have been learning about robotics and coding but due to covid, we missed out on doing some of the other lessons.

Recently we had been tasked to make a project that we would work on as a group and present at the end. I had at the time been thinking about learning about more in-depth python coding; so I chose to make a text adventure game in it. Because I hadn't done anything as complex in code I chose to make a pick your own path adventure game. Some of the paths that you could explore were: A horror story, A Medieval story, A story about the future and A story about the present. 

We used coggle to plan how the story would go and where they would branch out. andrei one of my friends decided to join and help in writing the story as I am terrible at writing storylines. Andrei and I worked on the story, and I started to code. Around this time Kade joined and he was the beta tester.

This is the coogle. 


Kade helped with getting the code running well as he was very good at finding bugs. he also taught me that no is always an answer so therefore I made it so that no matter what you put in it will always give you an answer. Some other things I learned is how coding works for instance. 

The code runs on the python 3.10 version for windows. And mainly consists of if, else and input statements. 
The statements together allow the script to run and play. 
Some samples of the code are. 
Answer = input (“hi how are you?”)
If answer == “good”
Print (“good”)
This code here when put into python and ran will ask: Hi how are you? And by responding with good python will return good. 
This happens because of code! The best way I could explain this is as:
Answer = input: Is a prompt that asks for input from the user and whatever that input is it gets recorded under answer.  The “if” statement asks if the answer is equal to “good” and “if” it is then it’ll print “good” back. 
The else statement comes into play when there’s more than one input of instance:
Another type of statement is the “def” stamen that “defines something”.   

Answer = input (“How are you today?”)

If answer == “good”

Print (“that’s good”)


      answer == “not good”

      Print (“that's not good ”)

This code will ask for an answer-back but now if you answered “not good” back then it’ll print “that’s not good”.

def restart():

    print ("Do you want to play agin?")

    answer = input ("")

    if answer == "yes"


This code will at the end of a string and will ask if you want to play again. The “def” statement is very interesting as it allows you to write some code that you don’t need at the moment but can be called upon later when it's needed. It's used as such.


        answer = "no"

        print ("hell no. Yeah, you've had enough anxiety for now. you leave.")


In this part of the code this is an ending but with the “restart()” it allows you to restart. But this is just the subsurface of coding. There are many different types of coding languages and there’s many more commands and modules to use in code. Currently,the code is about 564 lines of code but I'm thinking of adding ether more or making a GUI that had buttons so that you don't have to type in the answers. 

The link to the files can be found here. 

link to drive folder with code

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Why was a Treaty needed in New Zealand?

Why was a Treaty needed in New Zealand?

In 1830 there were 100,000 Māori and 100 Europeans living in New Zealand. The behaviour of the Whalers, the Missionaries’ desire to help protect Māori rights and the Musket Wars were reasons that a treaty was needed. The Declaration of Independence was another contributing factor to the need for a treaty.

One reason that a treaty was needed was to help control the lawless behaviour of some of the British Settlers like whalers. This is important as the local people and Maori were upset with what was happening in Kororareka. This drunken behaviour when coming back to the shore caused many whalers to have fought in and between missionaries and Maori.  Also when coming back to shore from being at sea for 3 months many sailors got Maori women to be prostitutes. This caused diseases to be very prominent and this affected many Missionaries and Maori views of the whalers. But a treaty would hopefully be able to resolve these issues. 

Another reason that a treaty was needed was to protect Māori rights. One group that felt strongly about this was the missionaries. They were worried that the Maori were losing their rights to the land and that they saw that much of the Maori land was being sold to the British monarchy for not that much. 

Lots of land was being sold for muskets and food during the musket wars;  they felt that the land should have been sold for a fairer price. Along with this many Maori men and women were being treated unfairly. 

Therefore the Missionaries thought that the rights of the Maori needed to be protected. 

Another reason that a treaty was needed was the Musket Wars. These musket wars were devastating to the Maori population and it was estimated that in total they killed 20,000 Maori. Along with many being killed many more were enslaved. Also, Maori tribal borders changed rapidly and caused lots of conflict between the various tribes especially the tribes that had access to the muskets from early on in the war. The impact of this was that many Maori were killed or were enslaved. This caused many missionaries to regret selling the Maori muskets. Also, Maori had to sell much of their stuff to get muskets, especially the smaller tribes that hadn’t yet been able to buy muskets. So must missionaries thought that a treaty would improve the situation. 

The final reason that a treaty was needed was the existence of the Declaration of Independence.

Was the declaration of independence needed? Interestingly, the declaration of independence was needed so that the British Monarchy would be able to protect the Maori from the French and other nations that were trying to overtake the Maori land and culture but particularly it was needed for trade between the Maori and British. It also needed to be signed because missionaries were worried as New Zealand was becoming the “hell hole of the Pacific” and this plus many other things contributed to the signing of the treaty. The impact of this is that the Maori were more likely to sign the treaty. And that the fighting, prostitution and the spread of disease would stop.

In conclusion, a treaty was needed because it would hopefully help the Maori and missionaries live and work in New Zealand. It would also allow New Zealand to trade more legitimately and legally. Along with this, the British monarchy would be able to protect the Maori and their land with the signing of the treaty and allow them to more easily govern the missionaries and sailors. This was really needed at this time because sailors that were coming back from long excursions and were very rowdy. Due to this, the British monarchy wanted to establish laws and rules to govern the uncontrollable sailers. They also wanted to protect the Maori rights as many had gotten into fights with the sailers; that plus the musket wars soiled the Maori and Missionaries views on the sailer and traders. In future, establishing rules and laws allowed Maori to be able to go get help when things happened. I feel that the treaty was needed to help with trading, and to help with rules and laws that governed  New Zealand but, if it had been instated earlier the musket war may have not killed so many. Although this may have caused tensions between the British and Maori because while the Maori version of the treaty gave Maori rights over the land, the British version gave Queen Victoria sovereignty over the whole of New Zealand. I feel that the signing of the treaty was a solidifying part of New Zealand.


Friday, December 3, 2021

Tectonic plates.

 Aim: To show how tectonic plates move and shape the earth. 

Method: Using some cardboard and a small bit of paper mashy to make small mountains and valleys I'll show how tectonic plates move. 


1. cardboard x2 

2. different colours of paint. 

3. scissors 

4. lots of paper

1. Get 2 large flat pieces of cardboard. 

2. paint the first layer brown/black/red/orange (red/orange for magma underneath the plates.)

3. Paint the second layer green (Green for grasslands)/grey (Mountus areas)/blue (The Ocean)

4. Once painted cut the top layer (The second layer) into some shapes that'll fit together like tectonic plates.  

5. Make little mountains out of paper mashy and paint them green and grey.

8. Place the mountains on the plate boundaries.

10. Place the top layer on top and glue it onto place making sure that the plates still move together/apart.

11. done!!!



This model shows how plate boundaries form and make mountains. It also shows how plate boundaries move to create mountains and valleys

The plates float on the liquid layer of the mantle and they move due to convection currents that are present there. each year the tectonic plates can move up to 15cm together or apart. the reason that earthquakes happen is when plates move suddenly they have a lot of energy that move everything that's above them. 

Mountains are formed when two plates collide together and push up to create mountains. valleys are formed when two plates move apart and create valleys. 

Next time I think ill give mt self more time to get the mountains right and look good.