
Tuesday, December 8, 2020

EOTC Days out

Last week we had three EOTC days out, we had Adrenaline Forest, Jelly Park and a day out in the city. 

I didn't go to the Adrenalin Forest as I was sick but I did go to the Jelly Park day out and the city day out. 

The day out at Jelly park was fun and was the thing that I loved the most, the day that we where there was very hot and many people got a sunburn, there was also three other schools there so there were lots of kids. If we were to have another EOTC day then we would have to have another Jelly Park day also the fish and chips were good and hot. 

In the city, we went to the library and to the Margaret Mayhey Park. On top of the library, there's was a garden that we got to look at, we also got to look around the 3D printer room and the music recording studio, so that was cool. we got to spend some time at Margret Mayhey Park which was good as there was shade and it was a break from walking up and down the stairs of the Christchurch library. It was altogether a pretty good day that was well planned and executed.

Monday, December 7, 2020

The black plague

The black plague was the biggest epidemic in the world the black plague took place in 1347, the black plague killed over 200 million people in total in the world, In total it was thought that it killed 90% of the earth's population. 

There are three plagues in the black plague; the bubonic plague, the pneumonic plague and the septicemic plague. 

The most common way to get infected was flea bites and contact with others pared with the disease attacking the lymph nodes it spread quickly around the body and to others. 

The symptoms of the black plague where as follows, fever and chills, extreme weakness, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, vomiting, leading from the mouth or nose or rectum, shock, blackening and the death of skin around the extremity like the arms legs nose and toes.

People treating the black plague wore special suits with bird-like beaks masked to protect them selfs, the masks were filled with herbs, spices and even things like honey, back then the theory bacteria and other viruses was not a thing so they thought that it was "poisoned air" causing the sickness hence the beak shape as they thought that that because of the shape it would make the "poisoned air" stay there longer and become clean and breathable.