
Friday, August 6, 2021

English scholarship program

English Scholarship Program 

Today I and a group of others participated in an English scholarship program and we learned about the many different aspects of English such as narratology theory first period, rhetorical theory second period, philosophy third period, Shakespeare in the fourth period, and reflection time in the fifth period. 

We learned many things and one of the main things that I learn is that in Shakespeare theses a lot of death and a lot of symbolism and comedy. Also that many of these stories are not his own and that many of them are just adaptations of the well-known stories at the time. we also learned about so philosophy like the trolly dilemma or the idea about AI and how whether if it could think, talk, and act human then could it be considered a one. As well and some talking about "The heroes journey" which is a pattern that can be observed in many of the best and well knows books, stories, and myths and along with that we also talked but the ideas of good vs. evil, human vs. aliens, peace vs. war, old vs. new, black vs. white, young vs. old, male vs. female, earth vs. space. 

Today was very interesting and informative. 

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