
Friday, June 26, 2020

dissection of the heart science

What were we learning? 
we were learning to dissect the heart and see all the mussels, arteries, veins, heartstrings and valves and how they work. Also, we were learning about how they work in the body and how the heart transports the blood around the body.

why where we dissecting a heart?
To see the inner workings of the heart and examine it. And because we were learning about the circulatory system.

what were the parts of there heart? and what parts did we see 
the parts in the heart are veins, arteries, atrium, ventricles, septum, valves, heartstrings. 
The parts that we saw where veins, arteries, ventricle, septum, a random blood clot.

did we enjoy the dissection? 
it was ok but maybe the heart should be more washed because while we were doing the dissection the heart smelt terrible and when we were cutting it blood would often come out.

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