
Friday, June 5, 2020

fim study: Caroline

Opening scene:
*music- quiet, scary, repetitive lyrics (dreaming).

*Perspective- other mother P.O.V- we see from her, know ut her by needle hand

*use of close up shot-makes audience focusing doll, not on the creator.

*Lighting/Colour- dim, dark, green, faded, -set the mood/ atmosphere that it's old, abandoned unappealing and run down.

Setting: Pink palace - the real world.
*Music- happy, gentle, harmony, angle chanting, sung by children, lyrics in a made-up language, changes to increase tension-faster, louder, minor

*Coraline- sassy, moody, stubborn, bright colours-blue hair, yellow jacket & boots, the main character and makes us focus on her, shows shes different from those in the real world.

Colour/ lighting- dull, grey, boring, dark, bland, tinted, makes the 'real' house feel depressing, old, crusty & cold, not a place Coraline wants to be.

*Real parents- dull, workaholics, don't have time for Coraline, not happy, depressed, tired.

*The 'other' World:

*Colour/Lighting-bright, vibrant, welcoming,-makes it feel inviting and safe, Coraline doesn't stand out any more.

*Other parents-fun, active, show Coraline attention energetic, cooker her nice meal, they look happy & healthy, unlike the real parents.

*Music-spooky, suspenseful, doesn't match the theme, slow to medium pace, minor, quiet.

The real neighbours
colour - greys, dark mournful, sad, colour- pallet very foggy washed out yellows. A dusty, rundown and sticky.

lighting- dark/gloomy house has cold light. Shabby dark and poor

music bland, background, median pace. Latin style, upbeat and movement.

setting- forest looks dead, the house is old and rustic. Basement theatre room used to be fashionable now is dated.
characters- bobbinsky- Russian and drunk awkward weirdo. Miss Spink and forcible they argue opposite but like somethings 

other neighbours- 

colours- bright, light. friendly, welcoming. good dark shinny bright vibrant.

lighting- warn light orange-yellow. warm light spotlight is bright 

music- loud and joyful, circus music, playfully and minor. energetic and brass

setting gardens alive house is painted, looks new apartment looks colourful, clean, and organised. theatre, grand, large posh, good condition. 

characters- Mr b-clean/ tidy done up healthy blue getts Carolina name right. Miss Spink and forcibat transformed young,  thin,  attractive, talented, Actrice acrobatic, modern. caroline like them is enthusiastic to have them as her neighbours. 

The beldam 

colours- dark, greens, colourful,  purple-pink neons that shows In the dark. fades to white  

lighting- darker cold unsafe horrific, 

music slower quiet menacing creepy. spooky other world suspicious 

setting chocolate and furniture wore a Beatles and sinister.tranforms from a perfect home to a faded spider web- polluted. 


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